Friday, November 29, 2019

Radio Free Dixie free essay sample

Williams and the Roots of Black Power, Tyson details the life of a remarkable man who had the audacity not only to challenge racial injustice in America but also to contest the rarely disputed strategies of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Establishment. Tyson uses Williams life to illustrate his central thesis: how both the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement emerged from the same roots, confronted similar predicaments, and ultimately were fighting for the same thing: justice and freedom for blacks in America.Historians have customarily portrayed the civil rights movement as a nonviolent call on Americas conscience juxtaposing he subsequent rise of Black Power as a violent repudiation of the civil rights dream. As Robert Williamss story demonstrates, independent black political action, grassroots organizing, and armed self-reliance all operated in the South in conjunction with legal efforts and nonviolent protest. Tyson’s use of biography allows the readers to better relate to the experiences of Robert Williams therefore emphasizing the parallels and common threads between the two movements. We will write a custom essay sample on Radio Free Dixie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For example, it could just has easily been Dr.King, as a young boy that happened to witness that elderly black woman being beaten by a racist police officer; and the likelihood that any black person could have witnessed a similar event during that time period, unfortunately is quite likely. With the scene that Tyson created, it becomes instantly relatable and of course it would seem only rational to retaliate; the difference only lies in the approach to retaliation. Williams said himself â€Å"My only difference with Dr. King is that I believe in flexibility in the freedom struggle †. We can also look at the involvement of the NAACP for parallels.While both the non-violent movement and the armed self-reliance movement were involved with the NAACP, both movements experienced issues with the organization. Williams was the President of the Monroe and Union County branch of the NAACP, a branch that was extremely unique due to its majority composition of working class blacks and a leadership that was not middle-class. Tyson focuses on the difference in ideology based on class and further details the Williams/Wilkins divide. Williams later clashed heavily with Roy Wilkins, chairman of the national NAACP over Williams’ radical views and his public threat to â€Å"meet violence with violence†.Interestingly enough, the non-violent movement also had its issues with the national chapter, as King and Wilkins did not always see eye to eye. Tyson is also able to illustrate the parallels in the successes and the impact that both movements had on American society. Whether it was a 250, 000 person March on Washington, or 5 black guys with guns protecting the gravesite of a black veteran, every success, every fight big or small, violent or non-violent contributed and continues to contribute to the quest for racial justice in America.Tyson uses Williams’s biography as a means of putting the movement in context and providing the reader with some insight in to the experiences of black freedom fighters. His use of anecdotes combined with historical background and statistics are both particularly pe rsuasive and informative. The story-telling effect allows for a fairly easy read that provides a great deal of information along the way. Tyson’s book in comparison to similar biographical works based in this time period was laid out particularly well which again allowed for an easy read. Similar to Dr.King’s autobiography, Tyson goes in depth in to the roots of Williams’ past deciphering his experiences and relating them to the final product. For example, detailing Williams’ life back to the ideologies of his grandparents, his childhood, experiences with racial injustice and his military career allowed for a deeper understanding of his transformation in to a militant black leader. Another effective tactic Tyson used to depict Williams’ life was to focus his relationships with several other prominent black leaders at the time. ; Roy Wilkins, Dr. King, Thurgood Marshall etc. This allows the reader to find parallels and better understand the complexities of the black freedom struggle. Tyson highlights the incongruity in strategy and ideology in his detailing of these relationships yet maintains his central thesis that in the end they were all fighting for the same thing. The life of Robert Williams underlines many aspects of the ongoing black freedom struggle: The decisive racial significance of World War II and the impact of the Cold war on the Freedom Struggle and equally important the centrality of questions of sexuality and gender in racial politics.Particularly interesting was Tyson’s analysis of the rhetoric of protecting women as an integral part of the politics controlling women. Again, both the non-violent and militant movements share this in common. The black freedom struggle is notorious for its sexism whether intentional or not. You could take the Women’s Political Council from the Montgomery Bus Boycott or the female leadership in the Black Panther Party you would find these women were more than instrumental in the movement and ended up taking a back seat to a Martin Luther King Jr. or Robert F. Williams. Especially within the context of the class, the comparison of Dr.King and Williams is a complex one. A non-violent movement that appeals to the very conscience of society is difficult to challenge yet in Tyson’s depiction, Williams is able to unravel the entire strategy. Tyson quotes the Williams/King debate published in Liberation Magazine when Williams says: â€Å"Among the well-armed white population, there is open defiance to law and order throughout the south today. Where law has been broken down, only self-defense could deter the attacks of white terrorists who commit violence in service of their own sincere beliefs and time-honored prerogatives. Non-violence is a very potent weapon when the opponent is civilized. † This is an interesting point that Williams makes because so much of the non-violent movement relied on violence from the white counterparts in order to receive national attention. It was the water-hoses and attack dogs being set loose on non-violent men, women and children that grabbed the nation’s attention for a brief moment. As we saw in Albany, when whites were strategic and didn’t respond with violence, the movement was deemed a failure.An interesting similarity between King and Williams is that they both very firmly believed they were taking the high road. King in the sense that he believed non-violence was the ultimate form of resistance calling on a moral order to bring justice. Williams in the sense that he believed there was no higher honor than that of protecting your family and the women and children of your community by any means necessary. Tyson also details very carefully the relationship between King and Williams. Constant animosity towards each other, public denouncement, and constantly calling each other out to better represent America’s back population.In Tyson’s depiction, it seems the only thing they were able to agree on in the end was the opposition of the Vietnam War. Tyson writes plenty on the similarities of their respective movements yet there sees to be this constant juxtaposition of the two as individuals. In this sense, Tyson seemingly fails to detail the similarities between King and Williams throughout the course of their illustrious careers as freedom fighters. Tyson’s portrayal of the life of Robert F. Williams, allows us to better understand the complexities of the black freedom struggle. In his story Tyson unveils to us a man who was partly, if not wholly responsible for the influence and transition in the black freedom struggle from non-violence to self-defense. His ideologies and actions inspired future leaders such as Carmichael and Ricks, the Black Panthers and Malcolm X and allowed for an alternative to the mainstream Civil Rights Establishment of the 1950’s and 60’s. The traditional narrative of the civil rights movement as a movement characterized solely and predictably by non-violent civil rights protest obscures the full complexity of racial politics.As Tyson states â€Å"It idealizes black history, downplays the oppression of Jim Crow Society, and even understates the achievements of African American resistance. â€Å" What Tyson argues is that it is the recognition of the histories and lives of those such as Robert F. Williams that allow us to better understand the context of our own histories, that ultimately we all have a dream of raci al equality and social justice, and how far we still have to go to achieve that dream.

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom Java Program Development essay

buy custom Java Program Development essay Java programming has been touted for being one of the most powerful programming languages that programmers use to develop computer applications. Since its development, many people have regarded Java programming language as a robust environment that can be used to develop programs for use in the internet as well as in individual workstations (Pancake and Christian 101). Being that Java programming language is free; many programmers have exploited the capabilities of this programming language to develop various software solutions for their own use or for commercial purposes such as mobile phone applications (Wong, Noemi, and Dana 93). Software solution written in Java consists of instructions that are executed by computers in order to perform a given action. For instance, a Java program may be written to keep track of inventory records at a local store. Regardless of the purpose of software being developed, Java program development requires Java development kit to be installed in a com puter, and for the five steps to be followed in sequence. All Java program development processes consist of creation of a program, compilation of code, loading of the program into memory. Verifying the byte code and executing the program. Java development kit Development of a Java program requires that programmers configure their computers into the right environment using the Java development kit (Babcock 7). In order to develop any Java program, the computer to be used must have some important programs and utilities that are supplied in the Java development kit. Developed by Sun Microsystem, the Java development kit allows programmers to use various tools as such as Java loader, compiler and debugger. These tools form part of the software development kit, which defines the tools that are used collectively in program development (Babcok 7). Sun Microsoft offers the Java development kit for free and programmers can download it from the internet and install it in their computers. When installing the Java development kit, the installer copies all programs required to develop application into a folder in the installation directory of the operating system. The Java development kit forms the central prerequisite that will allow programmers to a ccomplish the five steps in Java program development. Creating a Java program Creating a Java program constitute the step that programmers go through when developing a Java program. Creating a Java program is a process that requires skills and tools that allow programmers to turn system requirements into a software solution. For instance, if a customer request a software vendor to write them a Java program, the vendor will translate the clients requirement into software that can accomplish a given task. When programmers understand what program is to be developed, they are then required to create the program using an editor of their choice (Kuehnhausen and Victor 1709). Editor program are sometimes referred to as the editor and are used in writing Java programs. There are many editors in the market and programmers are at liberty to choose what suits them most. Using an appropriate editor, programmers can create Java programs by entering Java code into the editor and saving the file names with a .Java extension. Creating a Java program is not possible without the use of an editor. Editors play a central role in ensuring that a Java program is written well within a given time frame. There are many editors that are in use today, and each of them works in different environments. In Windows, there number of editors such as Notepad whereas Linux has VI editor. Some of these editors have special features that enable them to correct mistakes by highlighting them or automating the insertion of some code. Most important, some editors are built into special software that is used to create Java program. Some of these programs include the NetBeans developed by Sun Microsystem, Eclipse developed by Eclipse foundation and JBuilder developed by Borland (Pancake and Christian 99). These environments allow the creation of software much more easily with increased precision, and accuracy. When creating a Java program, programmers have a duty to develop programs that have logical flow of execution. To successfully create a Java program, programmers arrange their code in the editor in a logical process that makes use of Java methodologies. For instance, a program that will be used dd two number will be written using variable, which will hold various numbers that will be added to give an output. When creating a Java program, programmers make use of Java statements that will be compiled at that next stage of development of Java program development. After writing the Java program in the editor and saving it on the disk, this program is now ready to be compiled. Compiling a Java program Java programs are usually compiled after they have been written and saved in a file stored on the computer disk. Writing a Java program is unique compared to other programming paradigms. This stage of Java programming is characterized by the conversion of a Java program into Java bytecodes. In this phase, the command Java also known as the Java compiler is used. The command Javac that is installed into the computer is used to compile a Java program once the Java development kit running. The Javac compiler is used at command prompt in a computer with windows operating system, shell prompt in Unix or Linux operating system or Terminal software in a Mac OS X. Regardless of the operating system used, the Javac command will compile a program written in Java into a Java class file. In this phase, a Java compiler translates Java statement into series of byte codes that can be executed at a later stage. Byte codes are produced in order for them to be executed by the Java virtual machine, which allows Java bytecodes to be executed in any environment. The Java virtual machine also abbreviated by JVM allows Java bytecode to run in any operating system (Wong, Noemi and Dana 101). Therefore, the production of bytecodes at this phase is a necessary step in enabling a given Java program to work in any operating system as long an appropriate JVM is installed. The compilation of Java program into Java bytecodes is of fundamental importance since it makes Java programs to be portable. Loading program into memory Java programs are usually loaded into memory once they have been compiled. This phase of Java program development places a program written in Java into the memory where it can be executed. The processing of placing a Java program into memory is called loading because the Java virtual machine class loader is the one responsible for carrying put this phase. Once a program has been written and compiled the Java class loader is then used to place the .class files previously written into primary memory, where they can be executed by the Java virtual machine. Without this process, it is not possible for a Java class to be executed because all files must be loaded into memory for them to be executed. The loader is responsible for loading two files into the primary memory. One of the files loaded into the memory is the .class file written containing the programs bytecodes while the other file is a .class file, which contains files to be used by the program. The second file is loaded into memory because it provides support files for various functionalities in the program. For instance, a program that writes or reads data from a disk will require class files that tells the program how to carry out this function. Therefore, this file is loaded into the memory, in order to ensure that the program runs when executed at a later stage. Loading of program files can be done either from the internet or a standalone computer. When an individual is developing a Java program, the program files can be saved in local disk from where it can be accessed, read and loaded into the primary memory. On the other hand, Java program development can also rely on a network infrastructure to load files into the memory. This example is very common for programs that are developed to run in the web. In addition, Java program files can be loaded from the network drive if the computer is being run in one location of the company far from where the server is located (Stieger, Anja and Martin 329). Byte code verification The fourth phase in the development of a Java program entails the verification of the bytecode produced from the program under development. When programs are developed in Java, it is necessary to ensure that the bytecode generated are secure and valid in order for them to be executed. This process is made possible by the Java bytecode verifier, which is located among the Javaa development kit files. First, the bytecode verifier examines all bytecode in detail, with emphasis on the validity of the files. For any bytecode to work in a Java program, all the bytecodes associated with the program must be valid for them to be executed appropriately. When developing a Java program, there is a possibility of creating errors associated with instance such as stack overflows, which can halt the running of the program. Because of the potential impact of errors such as stack overflows, the bytecode verifier checks the bytecodes to ensure that they have no errors (Kuehnhausen and Victor 1708). Security in Java programming is believed to be of paramount importance. When developing a Java program, the bytecode verifier must check that the bytecode generated conforms to the security levels of the program. In some cases, programmers can create programs that violate some Java security requirements and this will be reflected in the bytecode. The danger of having bytecode with security violation rests on the potential harm that they can occur on a computer running the program. Because of the Javas security requirement, the bytecodes verifier examines all bytecodes in detail by comparing them with some safe files. The result of this process is a bytecode that is safe to use and can be executed by the Java virtual machine without the danger of security restriction being violated. This step is one of the reasons why many people prefer developing their program in Java compared to other programming languages that have limited security restrictions. Execution of Javas bytecode The execution of Java bytecode is the last phase of developing a Java program. Once the program has been created and taken through the four steps identified above, the program will be ready to be executed and specific output produced. Execution of codes is carried out by the Java virtual machine, which is responsible for converting Java bytecodes into machine specific language. This process is the most important part of the Java development process because it allows the programmers to evaluate their programs based on the output of the program. When the Java runtime environment is executing code, the process is done with each bytecode being interpreted one at time (Nguyen, Ninh-Thuan and Viet-ha 608). The output of bytecode execution is a program that performs a number of functions that were programmed during the creation of the Java program. Execution of Java program has undergone a lot of changes with better execution strategies being developed. In recent Java development processes, the process of bytecode execution has been simplified. This has been through the use of just-in-time compiler that has the ability to process Java bytecodes as soon as they are interpreted. This is done by a Java HosSpot compiler that compiles sections of codes that are executed many times. When such code are translated before execution, the final Java program will run much more effectively as because the bytecode interpreted into the machine language will load faster and perform actions associated with it. The output of the execution of program bytecode is based on the details of the bytecode generated from the program file. The process of execution is one of the most important phases that allows Java program to work in a particular environment. For instance, the Java virtual machines will execute a bytecode and translate it into the machine language for particular platform such as Windows or Linux where the program will be used to perform a give task. Conclusion Without doubt, Java program development is an interesting and intuitive process that entails the conversion of user requirement into bytecode that can be executed to perform a predefined task. In developing a Java program, Java statement are written into a file with a .Java extension using editors such as Notepad in Windows or VI in Linux. The Java command then takes the .Java file created and compiles it into .class file with a .class extension. This bytecode file represents tasks that are to be executed by the program. After compilation, the bytecode is then loaded into the memory of the computer. The Java bytecode verifier is then used to verify the bytecode to ensure that it is valid and safe. One this process is over, the Java virtual machine will then translate the bytecode into machine language making the program to run as expected. Buy custom Java Program Development essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

Marketing and the Health Care System Research Paper

Marketing and the Health Care System - Research Paper Example The utilization of the healthcare services of Maryland General Hospital could be assessed by the healthcare service provider in order to analyze the current situation of usage of healthcare services. A proper analysis of the field reports is helpful in designing the ways in which the decision of the healthcare recipients could be influenced. Research Objectives The scope of this research includes a study of Maryland General Hospital. The research objectives for this study are to examine the direct impact of marketing for Maryland General Hospital, to determine a strategy to find the utilization of products and services of the hospital, and to design a marketing strategy for Maryland General Hospital. Research Methodology The impact of direct marketing of Maryland General Hospital and strategies to determine the current utilization of healthcare services of the community that it caters have been determined with the help of the secondary method of research. The data collected for the s tudy are secondary. The data have been obtained from secondary sources such as the electronic websites of the health care provider, journals, etc. The data obtained from the official website of Maryland General Hospital are reliable. The healthcare service activities have been studied from these secondary data sources. The information has been analyzed to design a marketing strategy for Maryland General Hospital and also to determine ways by which the decision of the healthcare recipients could be influenced for wider spread of the healthcare services. Analysis and Findings Maryland General Hospital is located in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, United States. The hospital serves majorly Afro-American citizens and lies in a medically underserved area of Baltimore. The hospital has been awarded a score of 38.6 for the medically underserved area, and any score below 62 requires medical services to a higher extent. This has raised the scope of direct marketing for the hospital which im pact has been analyzed below. The hospital has engaged its consultants and internal committees for conducting surveys and direct marketing of its healthcare products and services. As a result, Maryland General Hospital has been able to understand the needs of the community through direct interaction with the members. The health care needs of individuals and their families could be identified and the cost of the healthcare services could be customized in order to serve the medically undeserved area of Baltimore. The direct marketing of healthcare services provides a clear picture of the demographics, income level and the barriers to access healthcare by communities (Maryland General Hospital, 2009). It has been found that about 16.2% of the population in the city of Baltimore are below the federal poverty line and cannot afford the primary healthcare service due to transportation barriers and financial constraints. The direct marketing of the healthcare services of Maryland General H ospital helps the organization to outreach to the people who need basic healthcare services. The strategies that could be adopted by Maryland General Hospital for assessing the utilization of the products and services of the organization are through the conduct of a survey using paper questionnaires and survey questionnaires through the Internet. The hospital could also conduct meetings with the religious leaders and school

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Resources regarding English 1 writing Annotated Bibliography

Resources regarding English 1 writing - Annotated Bibliography Example The types of writing included on this page are cause/effect essay, comparison/contrast essay, definition essay, description essay, narration essay, persuasive essay and process analysis essay. Each page gives three to four points that should be included in this type of essay. It is a handy reference when I’m trying to figure out what to write. This site has a lot of the same information as the â€Å"Types of Writing† site, but adds to it. It discusses the types of writing in a lot more detail, so it would be helpful to come here after I have decided on the type of writing from the other site. After getting an idea of the type of paper I’m going to write, this site would fill in the details of what is expected and gives extra help on how to write an essay and many other forms of writing. This site gives very practical help on how to write a good essay for university. The author is the wife of a teacher and has a long history of editing and helping students. She points out some of the common mistakes students make and will be helpful to make my essays better. This site walks visitors through the writing process. It helps you get your ideas together, organize them neatly and put them together in an academic way. It is helpful because it gives you choices based on different answers to questions like when the topic is assigned or when no topic is assigned. This site talks about the various styles that people can write in such as a conversational style or a poetic style. It is helpful because you don’t always think about styles like this and it helps to use the right style for the kind of writing you are doing. This site gives a lot of writing help like some of the other sites I’ve found, but I think it will be most helpful for helping me find out how to do better research. It provides some resources to go to and talks about the research process. The other sites have better information about the writing

Monday, November 18, 2019

Oncrete history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Oncrete history - Essay Example It is in the form of dark, and porous nodules that are ground using a small amount of gypsum giving cement. Concrete; this is a hard, compact material used for building, and is formed by a mixture of gravel, cement, water, and sand when they undergo hydration. Cure; this is the act of keeping concrete moist on the initial hardening. Deformation; changing the dimensions of structures using a force. Dormancy period; the period that concrete retains it workability. Elasticity; The capability of materials to retain the original shape after getting stretched. Forms; are the holders where concrete is placed during hardening. Hydration; reaction of water with cement to form a cement paste. Mortar; is a Cement paste that has been mixed with sand. Pozzuoli cement; is a Volcanic rock powdered, used for making hydraulic cement. Portland cement; this is a cement consisting mainly of calcium silicates react with water forming a hard mass. Workability; this is how easily fresh concrete can be plac ed and consolidated in forms. 3.0 Text. 3.0. Introduction to Concrete. Concrete, can be defined as a composite material used in construction composed mainly of aggregate, water, and cement. It has several formulations, which give properties that tend to vary. This aggregate consists crushed rocks or coarse gravel like granite or limestone this is mixed with other fine aggregate like sand. Cement, usually the Portland cement, and Cementitious materials like slag cement and fly ash are used as a binder in the aggregate. Many chemical admixtures may also be included in order to come up with these varied properties. Liquid normally water is added and mixed with this dry composite, this enables the concrete to be poured (shaped) before solidified...Cement, usually the Portland cement, and Cementitious materials like slag cement and fly ash are used as a binder in the aggregate. Many chemical admixtures may also be included in order to come up with these varied properties. Liquid normally water is added and mixed with this dry composite, this enables the concrete to be poured (shaped) before solidified and hardened to come up with a rock-hard strength through a process known as hydration. The liquid applied reacts with the cement, forming a bond with other components, finally forming a tough stone-like material. It has a comparatively high compressive strength, nevertheless much lesser tensile strength. It is against this that it is reinforced using other materials which are very strong in tension like steel. Processes that can damage the concrete include freezing of the trapped water. It is widely used in walls, pavements, brick/ block, foundation, bridges/ overpasses, footings for gates, and even boats. Some of the most famous concrete buildings or structures are like the Burj Khalifa (world's tallest building), the Panama Canal, the Hoover Dam, and the famous Roman Pantheon.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Competition Analysis of Yahoo!

Competition Analysis of Yahoo! Yahoo Competition Today’s society relies heavily on the internet. People can spend hours a day on the internet, either for work or pleasure. With all the countless hours on the computer, what are people supposedly doing? Yahoo! desires to be the location that people spend all their time. How will Yahoo! create and sustain competitive advantage? What strategy will best serve Yahoo! on the race to the top between the other firms looking to have a digital theme park? To understand how Yahoo! plans to keep up with the changing economy, the resource-based view strategic model allows the analysis of both the internal and external perspectives of the firm. To create and sustain a competitive advantage Yahoo! should allow for differentiation and focus to its services. The resource-based view analyzes how the tangible resources, intangible resources, and the organizational capabilities work together to form a competitive advantage. For Yahoo! to have a competitive advantage against other companies with the same goal of the digital theme park, Yahoo! must take advantage of their tangible and intangible resources. Yahoo!’s tangible resources include financial, physical, technological, and organizational sources. Yahoo! started to turn around financially after Terry S. Semel took over as CEO. Semel brought structure and order to the â€Å"spontaneity that drove the firm’s decision during its go-go days† (Shamsie, 2007, p. 792). Yahoo! relied heavily on advertising for revenues of the firm under the old management. After Semel took over, he did not feel comfortable on relying only on advertising. Semel and his Product Council allowed premium services to be offered at a low rate. These low rates and advertising raised the company’s net assets. Yahoo!’s physical tangible resources include the company headquarters. After Semel took over, he â€Å"moved swiftly to chop down the 44 business units†¦to 5† (Shamsie, 2007, p. 792). The chopping down of cubicles also relates to the organizational tangible resources. Semel whole new order changed Yahoo! as a whole. The care-free culture turned into a culture with more order and structure. Yahoo!’s newly founded Product Council is made up of a group of managers. These â€Å"managers have to make formal presentations to bring up their new ideas in weekly meetings† (Shamsie, 2007, p.792). On the technological sector of the tangible resources, Yahoo! has search engine and other premium service technology. The search engine technology is from the company Inktomi. â€Å"Analysts claim that in terms of technology, Inktomi offers a search engine that is better than most others† (Shamsie, 2007, p. 796). The other premium services include job-hunting, personals, music, games, e-mail, and yellow pages. Yahoo! acquired the job-hunting service from the â€Å"buyout of in 2002†¦the addition of this premium service has provided a significant boost to the firm’s revenue† (Shamsie, 2007, p.795). Yahoo!’s technology is directly related to the financial market of Yahoo!. As Yahoo!’s technology increased, the revenue of the firm also increased. An advantage in the technological sector that Yahoo! possess is â€Å"Yahoo!’s Yellow Pages, which provide them [customers] with the return addresses and driving maps† when searc hing and typing in area code (Shamsie, 2007, p 797). Semel also made deals with SBC Communications and Verizon Communications to help move Yahoo! into the broadband age. Yahoo!’s intangible resources include human skills, innovation and creativity, and the firm’s reputation. Semel is the reason Yahoo! turned around. Semel possess human skills that are not imitable. â€Å"Semel has also used the deal-making skills that made him a legend in the movie business to land crucial acquisitions and partnerships that would allow Yahoo! to tap into new sources of advertising revenue† (Shamsie, 2007, p. 793). Semel pushed through deals that the old CEO’s could not get. Innovation and creativity sectors include Semel’s organizational views and the creativity that came to the Product Council meetings. The last of the intangible resources is Yahoo!’s reputation. Yahoo! has been around for years, it is known for its free e-mail service, search engine, and its instant messenger. People can pay a little extra for a premium e-mail service that has a larger storage space than the free e-mail. Yahoo! is also known for its free fi nancial pages called Yahoo! Finance, which gives up-to-date information on stocks and bonds. Lastly, the resource-based view looks at the organizational capabilities which are â€Å"the competencies or skills that a firm employs to transform inputs into outputs† (Dess, Lumkin, Eisner 2003, p.93). Yahoo!’s organizational capabilities are the innovativeness of new and multiple services at one location. Yahoo! is no longer just a search engine, it is a powerhouse of different features that all intertwine together to create this multi-cultural funhouse. For Yahoo! to gain the competitive edge against the other firms like Google, MSN, and AOL, Yahoo! can focus on differentiation between its products. Porter’s three generic strategies involves overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. Overall cost leadership will not help Yahoo! sustain competitive advantage, but the combination of differentiation and focus will allow Yahoo! to outrun the other companies. Although most of the time, differentiation leads to failure but in Yahoo!’s case with its different interest areas that are already occurring differentiation will lead to success. â€Å"A differentiation strategy involves providing unique, high-quality products and services that promote a favorable reputation and strong brand identity and usually command a premium price† (Dess, Lumkin, Eisner 2003, p.209). Yahoo! already exhibits a strong brand identity since almost everyone in the world would know what Yahoo! is. Google has become one of the leading search engines in only four years because it can search millions of web-pages in milliseconds. Yahoo! can now compete with Google when Yahoo! made a deal with Inktomi for a new search engine. â€Å"Inktomi offers a search engine that is better than most others† (Shamsie, 2007, p.796). Yahoo! has many areas of interest that pertain to all different types of people. Yahoo! offers personal pages, email, financial pages, job-hunting service, etc. For the younger generation, Yahoo! offers on-line games, chatting, and a messenger service. Yahoo! already has differentiated its products, but so have the competitors. Yahoo! needs to obtain unique services that their competitors do not have. One thing that is unique for Yahoo! is the offering of music to its customers. Viewers can go on-line and watch music videos for free or for a fee, without commercial breaks. Yahoo! also differentiates its look to go with the seasons, not all web-pages do this. Using the combination of differentiation and focus strategies, Yahoo! will be able to focus individually on the different sectors of services. â€Å"For companies that pursue focus strategies, the Internet offers new avenues in which to compete because they can access markets less expensively and provide more services and features† (Dess, Lumkin, Eisner 2003, p.301). As Yahoo! accesses their intangible and tangible resources, managers can figure out which services to differentiate and which services need have a narrower focus. The tangible technological resources are the services that managers need to distinguish as profitable and valuable, and which services are not helping the company succeed in the jump to digital theme park. Semel should allow more focus to the product council meetings, so that managers would be able to get different services recognized. For the digital economy, the combination strategy of differentiation and focus is the best to have. The company’s resources all working together creates a successful business. Yahoo! demonstrates how a company can use the strategies of the resource based view, differentiation, and focus to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage. As long as Yahoo! uses their tangible and intangible resources efficiently and effectively they will be able to advance and compete with the other companies such as Google, MSN, and AOL. Tangible Resources: Financial- cut costs, advertising, premium services Physical- Cubicles Technological- Inktomi search engine, HotJobs, yellow pages, other features Organizational- Product Council, structure Intangible Resources: Human- Semel’s deal making skills Innovation and Creativity- meetings Reputation- free services, search engine Organizational Capabilities: Making a digital theme park Differentiation and Focus Services offered Design/Appearance Brand Identity Reputation References Dess, G. Gregory, Lumpkin, G.T., Eisner, B. Alan. (2007). Strategic Management 3e. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Shamsie, Jamal. Yahoo!. Michigan State University. Strategic Management 3e. (792-797). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Exploration of the Orgasm Essay -- essays research papers

The role of the orgasm in heterosexual relationships is significant in having a satisfying malefemale relationship according to society’s expectations. By using the malefemale binary, as well as exploring the social construction of sex, we can see just how significant the role the orgasm plays in heterosexual relationships. First off, we must understand that orgasms are achieved differently for both males and females.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Male orgasms are achieved through the male sex organ, being the penis. It has many nerve endings that are very sensitive. The female orgasm contains just as many of these nerve ending, but is a much smaller size. The penis is on average 5.5 inches, where the clitoris is about 1 inch. What is interesting is the actual act of sexual penetration in regards to orgasms. This act is perfectly constructed for the male to achieve orgasms, but poorly constructed for the female. The vagina is inches away from the clitoris, and is the primary body part involved in sex. Since the penis is penetrating the vagina, we see how it is easy for it to be fully stimulated and to reach climax. However, the female sex organ receives little if any stimulation depending on the position, which in fact makes it extremely hard for females to reach climax. It is also interesting to note that the act of intercourse itself ends not with the female orgasm, but with the male. Due to the biologica l make-up of males and females, the actual act of sex (penetration) is constructed around the male orgasm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When exploring the role of the orgasm, we have to take into consideration complexity of the female orgasm. Society makes up certain stereotypes for males and females in terms of sexual relationships. Here we take into consideration the malefemale binary in terms of sex and emotion. Males are able to separate sex from emotion, where females combine the two. Therefore, the female orgasm is both physical and metal. Some females even go further and say that without both components involved, the female orgasm is extremely hard to achieve unless they are both physically and mentally involved with their male counterpart. This also requires most females to be completely comfortable with their male partner. Society on the other hand finds it acceptable for men to be sexually promiscuous, and this is a key factor for men to be ab... ...ay â€Å"can we try something different, because this is not working for me†. This would then lead to the man feeling very tricked and betrayed, and would be a blow to his ego (because he not masculine according to society unless he can please the woman). Therefore, women should learn to always be honest, and let the man know he makes you feel good whether you orgasm or not, but that there are certain things he can do (oral, sex toys) that can help you achieve orgasm as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, we see that through certain social stigma, such as masturbation and oral sex, as well as through the concepts of the male being the gift giver, and the act of penetration focusing on the penis, society gives little importance to the female orgasm. In terms of heterosexual relationships it is important for the female to be open with her partner in informing him of what is needed to increase her sexual pleasure, which will help bring her to orgasm as well. Society has placed a great importance on orgasms in relationships, especially in terms of the male, and as a result we have found ways to ensure this is satisfied through faking it, sex toys, and different sexual acts.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sacred Exchange Between Saint Francis and Lady Poverty

THE SACRED EXCHANGE BETWEEN SAINT FRANCIS AND LADY POVERTY INTRODUCTION The Franciscan Order has been saddled with the controversy on the issue of the observance of poverty. During the lifetime of Saint Francis of Assisi, there were already factions in the Order; the faction that were in favour of living the Franciscan charism in a new dimension are called the lenient and the wise, and those who are in favour of keeping to the original way of living the Franciscan Charism, are often called the companions; â€Å"we who were with him†.After the death of Francis, the controversy became more intense between the Friars of the Community, who sought to live the Rule and poverty of the Franciscan life in towns and cities with the inspiration of the founder, and the spirituals that sought to live the literal observance of Rule with a more austere adherence. This controversy on the issue of the observance of poverty prompted so many friars from both factions to publish books in defense of the observance of poverty. Examples of books published include: Sacred Exchange between St Francis of Assisi and Lady Poverty by an unknown author, The Legend of the Three Companions by Br.Leo, Br. Rufino and Br. Angelo, The Tree of the Crucified Life of Jesus Christ by Ubertino Da Casale, The Tribulations of the Order of Lesser Ones by Angelo Clarino, the Little flowers of St Francis etc. In this essay, I will be explaining in details the information that the author is trying to pass across from some of the subthemes of the book entitled, â€Å"The Sacred Exchange between St Francis of Assisi and Lady Poverty†, that is specifically written in defense of the literal observance of poverty, indicating where the author is writing from, the year of composition and the aim of the author and the society of his time.The Sacred Exchange in other words, called the holy commerce between St Francis and Lady Poverty was written or composed between 1237 and 1239, few years after the de ath of St Francis of Assisi. It was written this time because there were already lapses in the observance of poverty just few years after the death of the founder. Also during these years, Pope Gregory IX, a close friend of Francis and the first Cardinal protector of the Order, issued a papal decree entitled â€Å"Quo elongati† addressed to the Friars egarding the observance of the Rule and Testament of Saint Francis. Furthermore, Br. Elias was elected as the Minister General of the Order and a massive Church was being built in honour of St Francis in the city of Assisi. All these development encourage the relaxation of the literal observance of poverty, thus creating more division within the Order. Consequently, this book was composed with rich allegory flavoured with so many scriptural references to defend, encourage and to remind the friars of the importance of the literal observance of poverty in the Order.AUTHOR Up to this day, the author of this book is still unknown, b ut there are suggestions that the author could be St Anthony of Padua, Blessed John of Parma or Caesar of Speyer, because there are similarities in their writing style with that of Sacred Exchange. It is certain that this was composed by a lenient Franciscan Friar who is well versed and acquainted with what was going on in the Order at that time.His talented gift surfaced in the way he personified Poverty as a Lady, because the word â€Å"lady† means a young admirable and respectful woman that knows her worth and does not seek after men; rather men always seek after her and she responds with love and kindness to the true man who seeks her. EXPLANATIONS ON THE SUB-THEMES BLESSED FRANCIS ASKS ABOUT POVERTY Here, the author presents the Lady poverty as a fine, beautiful maiden whom Francis is eagerly seeking with great enthusiasm and caution. In his quest to finding her, he came across some people on the streets of the towns and cities and enquired of the whereabouts of Lady Pov erty.The author in this section, tried to portray the people living in the cities as those friars who were living in the cities and thus, because they live in the cities, they could not understand what Francis is saying. According to the author, the friars that live in the towns and cities cannot observe the literal observance of poverty, because they are living in the worldly part of the world and so it will be difficult for them to live out the literal observance of poverty. That is why they could not understand what Francis was enquiring from them and they told Francis to speak in their own words or what Francis is saying is foreign to them. The people in the towns and cities are more prone to worldly demands and activities to the extent that poverty is seen as a bad and accursed thing not to be admired or observed. I will go to the best and the wise: According to the author, Francis thought that if he went to the wise and the lenient, they would help him find Lady Poverty, but a s soon as he got to the wise and enquired, they rebuked him that he should not come to them regarding anything dealing with poverty; that they are happy with their merriments and extravagance.Here the author tried to portray the friars living in the cities and those engaged in studies as the lenient and the wise that Francis met. That is why the author, in his defense of the companions and their idea of the literal observance poverty, put these statement in the mouth of Francis that he marveled and bless God for hiding these things to the lenient and the wise (that is the friars in the cities), and revealing them to the little ones (that is Friars in the hermitages) that are faithful to the observance of poverty.After he left the city, he quickly came to a certain field from afar, he saw two old men wasted away from great sorrow: Here Francis left the city where the worldly, lenient and wise are (Friars in cities) and went to certain field and met with two old men clad in sorrow (Fr iars in hermitages). Here the author is conveying a message that those that seek to observe the literal observance of poverty are not found in cities but rather in rural, and remote places like the fields, or the hermitages.In other words the author is saying that these are the Friars who are faithful to the observance of poverty, for they live far away from cities and their dwellings are at the hermitages which of course are found in the remote areas. Whom shall I respect except the one who is poor and contrite in spirit and the one who trembles at my words: Here the author is conveying a message that the literal observance of poverty is more valuable than obedience to the authorities, for the Rule is the Gospel and the Gospel is Christ Jesus who is God, the highest authority.We brought nothing into this world the other said and without doubt we take nothing out of it, but having food and whatever covers us, we are content with these: The author is saying that a true Friar that obs erve poverty will be content with the basic things of life which are food and whatever covers them; this is in total contrast to those friars in towns and cities seeking for self-sufficiency and knowledge. This also shows how profound and wise the friars in the hermitages are in their serious observance of poverty. (Sacred Exchange, p. 530, n. 6 & 8) HE ASKS TO BE SHOWN WHERE POVERTY LIVESFrancis asks the two old men; tell me I beg you, where does Lady Poverty dwell? Where does she eat? Where does she rest at noon? For I languish in love of her: Comparing the manner in which Francis asked the two old Men (â€Å"I beg you†), and the manner he asked the lenient and those on the streets of towns and cities, you will notice that the author deliberately put the statement (â€Å"I beg you†), to point out the fact that Francis saw the old men as one of â€Å"the little ones†, to whom God has revealed the mysteries of the kingdom of God and, because of this, they could give him clue as to how to find Lady Poverty.Furthermore, the author deliberately put the three questions, which in Hebrew numbering system, three things, symbolizes substantial and serious. That means Francis’ questions are substantial and of serious matter because he is really serious to meet Lady Poverty. Francis’ enthusiasm, restlessness, undying desire and love for Lady Poverty, shows that poverty is indeed worthwhile to be observed literally and not to be abandoned. Good Brother: The old men called Francis â€Å"good brother† because they also see Francis as a likeminded person, that is they and Francis are seeking to observe poverty.Furthermore, it is conveying a message that those that observe poverty without gloss, are the good brothers, that is, the faithful lesser brothers. We have sat here for a time and for times and half a time: Here the author is trying to portray the fact that these old Men have made the field (that is, the deserted place) as the ir new abode where they are living. They fled the cities to the remote place to faithfully and properly observe lady poverty. They told Francis that many search for her and when they find her, they accompanied her for a while, but they will leave her alone by herself.The author is conveying a message that at the beginning, the virtue of poverty is longed for and faithfully observed by people, and religious in particular, but after a while they can become lukewarm in the observance of poverty due to the allurement of the worldly possessions and then gradually abandoning. The children of my mother have fought against me: Meaning that those that sought to have and to observe her (i. e. Lady Poverty) after a while, have abandoned her, she cried out.But the old Men will say to Lady Poverty that the upright love her; meaning that only the upright ones that are determine to live spiritually and renounce the world and his allurements, by living in the deserted places like the hermitage are the ones that truly love her. In paragraph ten, the author tried to defend the fact that poverty is the highest form of all virtue and that the mandates or commands to observe this virtue comes from God and should be observed with the highest reverence before any other.It is for this reason that the author wrote: she is dwelling in the sacred mountains because God loved her above all the tabernacles of Jacob (i. e. , poverty is place higher than other virtues just as Joseph son of Jacob is exulted above his brothers). Since poverty is the highest virtue, only the humble, not even the giants and the eagles (pride of strength and knowledge), can touch the footprints and shoulder.Again this says that no amount of worldly knowledge and possessions can take one to attain the highest virtue of poverty and the rewards of the faithful observance of poverty are only for the religious who perseveres to the end. Furthermore, Lady Poverty is hidden from the eyes of the self sufficient, worldly comforted, lenient and wise religious friars, because they fly so swiftly in worldly knowledge and wisdom that like the birds of the sky that fly so high they are proud.Paragraph eleven contains the conditions for those who wish to climb high to reach the place where Lady Poverty dwells. The author wrote that the old men said to Francis to give up all possessions, like books, knowledge, fine clothes etc. before he can climb the mountain successfully to reach and attain the highest virtue of poverty. The author is telling the friars to do away with worldly affairs like possessions, books, knowledge, for such things are obstacles that keep them from observing poverty.The author went on to say that poverty is kind and will be seen and found by those who seek her with sincerity and love. Finally the author is saying to the friars that if they truly love to observe poverty, they will be willing to give up all their worldly possessions for her. To think about her brother, is perfect under standing, and whoever keeps vigil for her will easily be secured: From this statement, the author is telling the friars that observing poverty is the way to perfect knowledge and security.In other words the author is saying to the friars that they should seek first the kingdom of God which is hidden in the observance of poverty; then all other things like knowledge, goods, securities etc, will be given them, re-echoing the statement of Christ in the Gospel. Take faithful companions with you so that during the mountain ascent, you will have their advice and be strengthen by their help: Here it is obvious that there are already factions in the Order which are often called the Companions who are different from the wise and lenient.It also shows that Francis felt at home with the Companions because he saw in them genuine zeal of the observance of the Rule and poverty and so he entrusted his care to these Companions and also sought advice from them alone. The author is saying that those that seek advice to live the Minorite life more perfectly should seek the counsels of the faithful friars because they observe the Rule and poverty as Francis did. (Sacred Exchange, pp. 531-532, n. 9, 10, & 11) BLESSED FRANCIS ENCOURAGES HIS BROTHERSHere we are told that Francis received the advice and counsel of the old men in a deserted place (hermitage), unlike his rejection of the counsel of the wise and lenient and those he met on the streets of the towns and cities. Also, in paragraph 12, the author reemphasizes Francis’ choice of the faithful companions. The aim of this emphasis is to pass a message that only those friars who are faithful to the literal observance of poverty are truly faithful and they are the friars that Francis extols in this section.Furthermore, the idea of the author to use the words â€Å"old men† (not â€Å"young men†) in the field and the people in the town and city, is a deliberate and selective statement used specifically to conv ey a message that the old men stand for the faithful members of the Order that still keep to the literal observance of poverty, while the people in the cities and towns are the majority of the members of the Order who are unfaithful because they do not observe poverty literally due to the allurements of the world.From the statement, come let us climb the mountain of the Lord and the dwelling of Lady Poverty, that she may teach us her ways and we might walk in her paths: The author is saying that Francis sees poverty as the only way through which all holiness and knowledge are achieved, thus telling the friars to see the observance of poverty as their priority and that they should give their all to knowing how to attain this highest virtue.The author, in order to properly defend his notion that only the â€Å"few† that live in hermitages can observe the literal observance of poverty faithfully, puts this question on the lips of the companions: who can climb this mountain and w ho can reach its summits? The author indicates that Francis answers the question (by putting the answers on the lips of Francis) by saying that the road is difficult and the gate is narrow, only the few can find it, again emphasizing that the few who keep the observance of poverty in fields and hermitages (not the majority in the convents of the cities) are the ones who can attain its summits.Furthermore, in order to defend those friars who are keen on observing the Rule and poverty of the Order literally, who are in obedience to Christ (author’s defense of the â€Å"obedience† of the hermitage friars as opposed to the friars of the Community who are keen on obedience to the Church), the author wrote that the friars in hermitage are in obedience to Christ because if they are observing the Rule and poverty which is the Gospel they are, therefore, obeying Christ who is the Gospel and God himself the highest supreme being to be obeyed before any other authority. Authority here means the Church or the minister general of the Order). The author in his further defense said that Francis said to the Friars: The Spirit is before your face, Christ the Lord, who draws you to the heights of the mountain in bonds of love. Finally in this section, the author wrote: After he said these things, they all began to follow the holy Francis: Here the author is saying that the faithful friars will always see Christ in Francis, because he is holy and, being a perfect imitator of Christ, (alter Christus) the friars should keep to his teachings and ideals, thus making them holy as well. Sacred Exchange, pp. 532-533, n. 12 & 13) POVERTY MARVELS AT THE EASE OF THEIR ASCENT As the theme of this section is titled, the author tries to shed more light on the importance of detachment as the sole criterion to attain the highest virtue of all virtues: Lady Poverty. To defend this notion he wrote: She (Lady Poverty) was greatly astonished at seeing these men climbing so ably, almo st flying. Also, the author wrote that Lady Poverty was astonished at their pace.In addition, to point out the zeal of the faithful friars towards attaining the virtue most dear to them, Lady Poverty exclaimed: who are these men, she asked, who fly like clouds and like doves to their windows? To express the delight and joy of Lady Poverty at the zeal, detachment, pace and uniqueness of these faithful friars, the author wrote: She (Lady Poverty) said; it has been a long time since I have seen such people or gazed upon those so unencumbered, all their burden set aside (i. e. Lady Poverty admiring their detachment).Furthermore, to prove that many faithful have been led astray by distractions of the abyss (i. e. worldly affairs) by seeking worldly knowledge, merriments, living luxuriously, thereby making them to forget and then finally abandon the observance of Lady Poverty, the author wrote: Therefore I (Lady Poverty) will speak to them (the truly faithful friars) about what engages my heart so that, when they are staring down the abyss (distractions or worldly allurements) they do not like the others (i. e. the derailed friars) have second thoughts about such a climb.The author also wrote that Lady Poverty said: There will be a reward for me before my heavenly Father if I give them saving advice. This statement of Lady Poverty re-emphasizes the fact that poverty is from God and since it is God’s plan that we should observe it, then that mandate must be obeyed else we are going contrary to his commandments since He is the almighty to whom all must obey before any human or religious authorities. In paragraph fifteen, and elsewhere in this book, the author always describes Lady Poverty as being naked.For instance, he wrote in this section: And so Lady Poverty resting on a throne in her nakedness. By this statement, the author tries to convey a message that Lady Poverty can only be clothed with our willingness to embrace and to observe her with faithfulness a nd detachment. But when those that are faithful were derailed and misguided by the allurements of the world, they abandoned the observance of poverty, thus making her naked. And behold a voice was heard: fear not daughter of Zion, because these men are the seed whom the Lord has blessed in unfeigned love.The author, through this statement, is trying to present the faithful friars to be like Christ at his baptism at River Jordan, when a voice is heard from the cloud saying behold this is my beloved son in whom am well pleased listen to him. Here the author is saying that God is pleased with their literal observance of the poverty and that they should not lose hope or despair, rather they should be faithful to the end. Welcome them with blessings and sweetness. â€Å"Tell me brothers†: Here the author is saying that Lady Poverty will always be ready to lavish her blessings and rewards on those (i. . the faithful brothers) who keep to the observance of poverty thus opening more doors to God’s blessings and divine providence. Are you perhaps, looking for me whom as you can see I am poor little one tossed about by storms and without consolation? Here the author tries to present the attitude and approaches that the friars had towards Lady Poverty and how they abandoned the observance of poverty. (Sacred Exchange, pp. 533-534, n. 14, & 15) BLESSED FRANCIS PRAISES POVERTY In paragraph sixteen, we see Lady Poverty being praised, acknowledged and honoured by the brothers.They begged poverty to be their queen for they have seen above all from their experience that she is from the most high God and that it is through her (poverty) that Christ came to this world and undertook all aspects of his mission. The brothers also acknowledged that since the Most High used her (poverty) to accomplish his mission on earth, so they begged her to accept them, so that through her, they will also overcome the world and its allurements. They also see poverty as the key or ga te to all other virtues, once again reaffirming poverty’s uniqueness and her esteemed position where God has placed her.The brothers knew that unless they are accepted by Lady Poverty, the queen of all virtues, they will be lost. In summary, the brothers see poverty as the only medium which Christ used to come to this world, live among us, eat with us, announce penance and the Kingdom, be scourged, crucified and die on the Cross to redeem us. Therefore, it is inevitable that Man can conquer the world and its allurements only through embrace of the same virtue. In paragraph seventeen, the author, tries to present poverty as being preferred and cherished by Christ to even the host of angels and other principalities and powers of Heaven.And it is evident in his incarnation when he left his royalty and pitched his tent among us to embrace poverty. This is also proof of the highest dignity that she (i. e. poverty) has in the eyes of Christ. But it is often hard for man to see it t hat way due to his blindness and ignorance caused by worldly affairs, thus abandoning the greatest treasure and going after worthless and vain things that cannot lead him or her to eternal home but only to destruction. Furthermore, the author wrote that Francis, after his reflective praises of Lady Poverty, begged her to have pity on them and to accept them, for it is only those that are ignorant (i. . those blinded by worldly affairs) that will not be longing to have her (i. e. poverty) whom the Most High God cherished and honoured before everything else. Finally, to show the zeal of Francis and his faithful companions the author wrote that: They begged Lady Poverty to consider them for the sake of Christ with whom she abides and without whom no one will be saved. Here the author is saying that the virtue of poverty is from God, and he established that we observe it and thus we called to obey God before any authority (here, the author is defending poverty against the Church’ s notion of the observance of poverty). Sacred Exchange, pp. 534-535, n. 16, 17) DIGNITY OF POVERTY AND HER RESPONSE The author tries to present the important role that the virtue of poverty played in the coming of Christ into this world. First, to prove the need and importance of the observance of poverty, the author narrated how God used poverty to prepare the Blessed Mother, a poor and humble lady, and made her womb to be the first dwelling place of our Lord Jesus Christ. Also when it was time to be born, he preferred to be born in a poor place, a manger where animals are kept.Again the first people that received the news of the birth of Christ are the poor shepherds, he had nowhere to lay his head (i. e. from the scriptures: foxes have holes but the son of man has no place to lay his head). The creator of the creatures has no place as his own here, showing his special love and bond for lady poverty. In paragraph twenty-one, even when Christ is being mocked, spat on, betrayed by his very dear apostles, insulted, slapped, the only consolation he got is from Lady Poverty because she is always faithful.The author is encouraging the friars not to forget this virtue of all virtues. Here in paragraph twenty-three, the author tries to show that Lady Poverty will always respond with joy and delight towards those that are zealous in her observance. She (poverty) always sees such people as her own. Little wonders why the author put the phrase: â€Å"Brothers and very dear friends† here to show the level or degree of love she has towards those that seek her genuinely. (Sacred Exchange, pp. 535-537, n. 19, 21 & 23)A RECOLLECTION OF POVERTY IN PARADISE In this section, we see the author, in his gifted ability to perfectly connect words and scriptural scenarios together, liken the joy that Adam and Eve experienced in paradise and the loss of that joy as a result of their unfaithfulness and disobedience with the peace and serene experiences that the some friars had when they were faithful to the observance of poverty and the woes and flaws that others experienced because of their rejection of the literal observance of poverty.In a nutshell, the author is conveying a message, that just as man lost paradise by the cunning of the serpent, which consequently led to disobedience, so the friars will lose their holiness and spiritual esteem by the allurements of worldly possessions (i. e. books, fine clothes comfortable houses and living in towns and cities) leading to their rejection of poverty.Furthermore, just as man tried to give excuses for his deeds instead of asking for God’s mercy and forgiveness and thus incurred His wrath, so it would be for the friars, if they continue to defend their reasons for trying to mitigate the literal observance of poverty. Finally in this section, the author is encouraging the friars to come back to the primitive observance of poverty and if they do come back to it, God will replenish them with all the gr aces they have lost and thus enjoy God’s divine providence which the world cannot give.He tried to liken the glory and honour that the friars would experience again, with the redemptive or salvific victory that Christ won for us when he reconciled mankind to God once again by his blood. (Sacred Exchange, pp. 537-539, n. 25-30. ) THE COVENANT OF CHRIST In this section, we can see the overall point of the author and his reason for agitating for the friars’ return to the literal observance of poverty. He said that Lady Poverty is a covenant or testament which Christ specifically left to his disciples and thus the friars.The author is encouraging the friars to trust in divine providence and that they should not worry about what to wear, what to eat etc. , that all these will be provided for only if they observe poverty. (Sacred Exchange, p. 539, n. 31) THE APOSTLES Here the author is saying that even the apostles observe the virtue of poverty both in their words and action s and, thereby won so many souls for Christ. They never said anything of their own word, but what Christ asked them to say.They contributed according to their ability and shared according to needs of the community entrusted to them. The writer said it is because of the great impact of the lifestyle of early Christian community of which the apostles were the guide. (Sacred Exchange, pp. 539-540, n. 32) THE PEACE CONTRARY TO POVERTY The author tries to tell the friars that not all that glitters is gold; that at times when all is going well, they should be very cautious because there can be evil disguised as good just to derail them from the observance of poverty.He likened the movement of the Order’s clericalization and into cities (urbanization), which was taking the Order away from the original observance of poverty, with the peace pact and legitimization of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire, which according to the author did more harm than good, becau se from the time of the pact zeal for the Lord and His kingdom, expressed in persecution and martyrdom, had waned. (Sacred Exchange, pp. 541-532, n. 34-35) THE PRAISE OF THE GOOD POOR The author in this section tried to be more specific about the two factions already emerging in the Franciscan Order. i. e. , the community and the companions) Observing paragraph thirty-seven: After a while, some began to breathe and willingly to walk the right path which for some time they had walked out of necessity. From the statement the author is saying that some of the friars (i. e. the companions) realize that things were not going well with the Order, for many have all failed to observe poverty, so they struggled hard to restore a more pristine observance of poverty; often, however, they were opposed by the other friars (i. . the community). (Sacred Exchange, p. 542, n. 37) The author further called the companions men of virtue pleasing and blameless before God which, in other words, means tha t the friars should not be dismayed by the antagonism and criticism they receive from the community; rather they should be happy for they are pleasing and acceptable to God and, thus, he listed a great litany of virtues, attributing them solely to the companions (Sacred Exchange, p. 542, n. 38) POVERTY WARNS FALSE RELIGIOUSIn encouraging the faithful friars, (i. e. , the companions) Lady Poverty urged them to be steadfast and hold their heads high; they should be persistent in their pursuit of her embrace and that they should be conscious of the dangers of worldly enticements so that they will not be derailed like the others; because if they are not careful, their fate would be worse. For under the guise of piety, they withdraw from that which was given them by a holy commandment. (Sacred Exchange, p. 543, n. 40) POVERTY SPEAKS ABOUT GOOD RELIGOUSIn this section, the author tries to convey a message that those friars who are faithful to the observance of poverty are not easily entan gled or seduced by worldly desires, for they are always praying with all humility and joy. Also, the author calls them Israel, which means that they are the chosen people of God and they are always blessed and favoured by Him since He had made covenant with them and for this reason they will be honour by many people; furthermore, they will be a light for all to see. (Sacred Exchange, p. 44, n. 42) POVERTY WARNS THEM TO RETURN In this section, the author is trying to persuade the friars to return to the original charism of the observance of Poverty. He wrote: Return you children who are withdrawing and I will heal your aversion. The author here used some scriptural words that the prophets in the Old Testament used in order to call the Israelites to repentance lest they perish. He asked them to listen to their heart and that they should not be stubborn else they might lose their souls to worldly possessions.Furthermore, he tries to explain how miserable the lives of those friars will be who refuse to repent and that the punishment that awaits those that disobeyed Christ’s commands will be more severe than the punishment that the Israelites got simply because they violate the rule that Moses gave them, for the Son of Man is greater than Moses and all the prophets and saints. (Sacred Exchange, p. 548, n. 51) THE LORD SPEAKS TO LADY POVERTY With these words: They have departed and gone away for they have not rejected you (Lady Poverty) but me (i. . , God), the author is saying that the observance of poverty means the acceptance and obedience of God’s commands which supersedes all other authority; therefore, whoever refuse to observe poverty is rejecting God. (Sacred Exchange, p. 548, n. 52) LADY POVERTY ADMONISHES BLESSED FRANCIS ABOUT PROGRESS AND REGRESSION IN RELIGIOUS LIFE. The author is saying to the friars not to look back for those that have put their hands on the plough and look back are not fit for the kingdom of God.He reminded the friars to always remember what happened to Lot’s wife whenever they are being tempted by the snare of evil thoughts to go against the literal observance of poverty. Furthermore, he urged those who are faithful to the observance of poverty to keep up their heroic work and that they are seen as the trusted friends of God; therefore, they are not far from the kingdom of heaven because they have decided to take the path of ascent where only few can go. Finally, he said to the friars to see Christ as the only model and guide and that they should be careful not to fall into the trap of seeking vain worldly knowledge, wealth etc. hich leads to greed, pride and sloth, for if they happen to fall to this snares, it will be very difficult to recover from such a pit because it is not easy to come back to perfectly observe poverty due to the snares of the worldly riches. (Sacred Exchange, pp. 549-550, n. 53-55) BLESSED FRANCIS TOGHETHER WITH HIS BROTHERS RESPOND TO LADY POVERTY Here the author tri es to prove that Francis and his brothers' love and desire to observe poverty as they consecrate themselves totally to the observance of poverty.Francis and his brothers blest poverty, because through her many people are blest and have won God’s favours. They said that although they were hearing bad rumors about her, they have come to see and experience what she (Lady Poverty) perfectly means and is and they begged her not to give them little of herself for they are ready to observe her more fervently like never before and always be her spouse. (Sacred Exchange, p. 550, n. 56-58) THE CONSENT OF POVERTY The author said that poverty consented to the pleas of Francis and his brothers as she embraced them with all her graces and blessings.The author said that Francis was so happy for the love of Lady Poverty that he continued to praise God with all his strength, for she has finally accepted them to be her spouse. (Sacred Exchange, p. 551, n. 58) THE BANQUET OF POVERTY WITH THE BR OTHERS Here in this section, the author compare the dwellings of the friars in the city (i. e. the community friars) with their luxurious houses and settings, kitchen, assorted meals, rooms, condiments and dining room, etc. ith the poor dwellings of the companions with stones for their pillows, bread and water as their assorted food, cracked bowls as their water bowl, their teeth as their knife, their habit as their hand towel and the whole world as their enclosure, thus showing that the friars in hermitages are the faithful ones with the observance of poverty and that’s why she is so happy with them always. (Sacred Exchange, pp. 551-552, n. 59-63) LADY POVERTY BLESSES THE BROTHERS AND URGES THEM TO PERSEVERE WITH THE GRACE THEY HAVE RECEIVED Therefore, I (i. . , Lady Poverty) beg you brothers(the faithful ones who keep to the literal observance of poverty), through the mercy of God which has made you so poor, do that for which you have come, that for which you have risen up from the waters of Babylon: The author is urging the friars to continue in their observance of poverty because God’s blessings and grace is already bestowed upon them and, for through them, so many souls will be won; their prayers always rise like incense of sweet smell before the Trinity.Finally, the author is saying that the faithful friars will forever be honoured, for they have made the angels in heaven rejoice continually, the whole company of heaven, saints, martyrs, virgins, blessed etc, are all celebrating for their devotedness and love; their exemplary lives, though full of struggle, are not in vain. (Sacred Exchange, pp. 553-554, n. 64-69) CONCLUSION Following our analysis of the Sacred Exchange it is apparent that the author is full of bias and prejudice towards the friars that sought to live the observance of poverty in a modified way in towns and cities.Nevertheless, one may ask if someone wants to take what is cherished and valued away from another, would that o ne be happy? Would he/she not try everything in his/her power to protect it from being taken away? The writer of this precious document, and those who shared his perspective on events of the early brotherhood, was not writing to cause division in the Order, rather, it would seem that he was defending something so precious and necessary to the charism of the Order. The writer was attempting to safeguard something he considered a fundamental value; he was writing for what he perceived to be a just cause.Though Franciscans of today know they cannot observe poverty in the same way the early friars due to the absolutely clear differences in the societal and cultural settings of their time and ours, still there many of things we can learn from their zeal, their spirituality and their faithfulness in keeping alive this aspect of our Franciscan heritage which we have inherited and must pass on to generations of friars yet to come. Finally, let us cherish all their efforts by appreciating th eir writings and studying them well, for if we study them, we learn from their spirituality, their intellectuality, and also from their mistakes.Then we can apply them to our age. For in their writings, we could find answers to some of the problems that we face today, and in doing so, we are keeping the eight hundred years old Franciscan tradition alive for the friar yet to be born. BIBLIOGRAPHY Francis of Assisi, â€Å"Sacred Exchange between Saint Francis of Assisi and Lady Poverty† in Regis J. Armstrong Et al. Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, VOL. I: The Saint (London: New City Press, 1999), pp. 529-554.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mgt 445 Week 5 Individual Assignment: Article Analysis

A negotiation is a civil process that takes place to resolve and develop a solution between all parties involved. Negotiations take place between all types of parties; organizational and global. They are structured to resolve the situation in an orderly manner with steps and strategies. In 2003, a global situation occurred that required negotiation between countries. North Korea announced they were withdrawing from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT). Upon making this announcement, they also stated they do not intend on producing nuclear weapons.This information was revealed from the official North Korean News Agency, NKNA. When this was announced, it raised red flags around the world. Even though North Korea declared the withdrawal immediate, according to Article X, countries must give a three month notice before withdrawal. North Korea made the decision to withdraw from the NPT is based on Bush’s 2003 State of the Union Address, when he declared North Korea to be part of the ‘axis of evil’ along with Iran and Iraq (Global Issues, 2006).Since the United States were preparing to invade Iraq, they felt they needed to create a credible deterrent in case they were next. The non-proliferation treaty was developed to convince countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, and North Korea to be non-nuclear countries. The treaty was enforced in 1970 and provided the framework needed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. A decade before in 1993, North Korea threatened to withdraw from the NPT.There were several bilateral negotiations that took place resulting in North Korea retracting their statements just a few days before the withdrawal became effective. Since North Korea was no longer an official member of the treaty, there were few obstacles stopping them from developing and selling nuclear weapons, technology, and materials to other countries. There are only a few countries that are not members of the NPT. These countries are India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea. There were several key factors in this initial negotiation of nations.In order to prevent other countries from evaluating their stand on the NPT, the Bush Administration developed a new approach to global security. Several key global arms control agreements were implemented, these agreements included the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the Biological Weapons Convention, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the Sort Treaty, and the process of strategic arms reductions with Russia (Global Issues, 2006). When North Korea decided to withdraw, they invoked their legal right to do so.The United States was worried that this action would increase international tension and risk Japan evaluating their position on nuclear weapons. Bill Richardson acted as a mediator between the United States and North Korea. After several discussions and negotiations, North Korea said they would halt all nuclear weapon developments. Shortly after making this agreement, they restated saying they would not give up their nuclear weapon program until the United States provides it with a civilian nuclear reactor.These actions made provisions for the entire treat to be reviewed, revised, and negotiated between countries. Actions or comments made by countries caused commitments to a nuclear weapons treaty to be revoked. This is a serious and sensitive subject globally and a nuclear war is feared by every country and their leaders. The same steps of negotiation are used in a global topic such as nuclear weapons and the NPT and it would be in an organizational negotiation.When these steps are carefully followed and sometimes calling in a third party mediator is necessary, a solution can be developed and implemented for the sake of all parties involved. References CNN World. (2003, January 10). Retrieved from Nuclear Weapons: North Korea Leaves Nuclear Pact: http://articles. cnn. com N Korea Withdraws From Nuclear Pact. (2003, Januar y 10). Retrieved November 9, 2012, from BBC News World Edition: http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/asia-pacific. com Global Issues. (2006, October 26). Retrieved from North Korea and Nuclear Weapons: http://www. globalissues. org

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Business School Recommendation - Sample Letter

Business School Recommendation - Sample Letter Sample recommendation letters can provide an example of the type of letter you need to provide as part of the business school admissions process. There are many different types of recommendation letters. Most focus on academic, work, or leadership experience. However, some recommendations act as character references, stressing the applicants moral fiber. This is a sample letter recommendation for a business school applicant. The letter demonstrates the applicants leadership experience and shows how a business school recommendation should be formatted. Sample Letter of Recommendation To Whom It May Concern:I would like to take an opportunity to offer a formal recommendation for Jane Glass. As the Senior Coordinator for Heartland Commerce, I have known Jane for approximately two years and feel that she is a deserving candidate for your business school program.Jane joined our organization as an entry-level customer service representative. Demonstrating an incredible initiative and a strong dedication, she moved up the ranks quickly. After only six months, she was promoted to team leader. The board could not help but notice how successful she was in her new position and quickly offered her another promotion, making her part of the executive management team.Jane leads by example and many people here find her enthusiasm and dedication both inspiring and motivating. As part of the executive management team, Jane has worked hard to build authentic relationships with the employees. Her efforts have created a happier and more productive team.I believe Jane exhibits many o f the qualities that are essential to business managers and business students. An education at your esteemed business school will help her hone these qualities while enhancing her career opportunities. I highly recommend Jane Glass for your program and hope that you will carefully consider admission application.Sincerely,Debra Max, Senior Coordinator Heartland Commerce​ 1:14 Watch Now: 7 Essentials When Asking for a Letter of Recommendation More Sample Letters of Recommendations See more sample recommendation letters for college students, business school applicants, and business professionals.

Monday, November 4, 2019

RedBull & PR Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

RedBull & PR - Literature review Example This paper presents an analysis of public relation strategies used by Red Bull around the world. Energy drink manufacturers, including Rend Bull GmbH, target a specific market segment, i.e., urban and young male males aged between sixteen and twenty nine (Buchholz, 2010: p43). This market segment has aspirations of living their lives on the edge. Accordingly, Red Bull uses extreme sport as a way of relating to them, with the sport being highly popular among this particular category of consumers. Additionally, the slogan used by Red Bull, i.e., Red Bull Gives You Wings†, was developed with the aim of creating public awareness among this particular segment of customers via communicating that drinking their beverages would ease challenging tasks. Moreover, the company epitomized modern branding by utilizing a marketing communication’s mix, including public relations, which sought to sell a way of life rather than a simple product and become culturally relevant (Buchholz, 20 10: p43). To do this, it was necessary for Red Bull to come up with PR strategies that caught the attention and appealed to their target group. Red Bull has come up with appropriate public relations strategies that are aimed at reaching out to its target market and getting them interested in the product (Russell, 2010: p44). As noted, Red Bull targets customer groups who live an active lifestyle by engaging in extreme sport and activities. In this regard, Red Bull’s public relations strategies attempt to create a perception that Red Bull beverages give necessary energy and edge to users, which can assist them to lead the lifestyle that they desire, as well as increase in their performance ion various aspects of their lives. Public Relations are defined as the relationships that an organization has with various public segments or groups, which have an effect on their ability to achieve their mission, objectives, and goals (Russell, 2010: p11). Companies can leverage PR by usin g publications and press kits on a regular basis in order to inform their shareholders around the world about the company, new products, news, events, and any other issues related to the company. Red Bull publishes its annual reports via which it communicates essential messages to stakeholders and the general public regarding the company. These annual reports serve as an effective tool for advertising where its main strengths and achievements are highlighted (Russell, 2010: p11). Red Bull also identifies Identity Media as one of its most effective tools for advertising (Russell, 2010: p46). The company fully utilizes Identity Media via the development of an online TV channel, which covers various company sponsored sporting events, especially extreme sports, and other programs aimed at attracting consumer interest in the company. Red Bull also publishes the Red Bulletin, a monthly magazine that is distributed by the Telegraph newspaper on Sundays. The issue carries sport reports inte rspersed with product information. The company also uses alternative methods of Public relations, for example, involving their brand in lobby activities in order to integrate themselves into various communities and build relations. One of Red Bull’s most famous public relations

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Is the desire to obtain a degree simply another example of objet petit Outline

Is the desire to obtain a degree simply another example of objet petit a - Outline Example This paper seeks to explore whether the desire to obtain a degree is simply another example of objet petit a or not and in doing so the theoretical perspectives of Lacan on desire and fantasy are also analysed. The objet petit a, in fact, operates due to the fascination of the subject towards the object and the internal and external perspectives of the subject also are significant. It is therefore imperative to analyse the fascination of the subject towards attaining a degree in the case of a person who wishes ardently for this object. The effects of objet petit a intensify as this fascination grows. However, one should bear in mind that â€Å"the object petit a, or at least the fascinating effect the object which bears it has upon the subject who is under its thrall, has no â€Å"objective† reality independently of this subject† (Sharpe 2005). Thus, Lacan purports that the subject never losses the object as he/she has never possessed it in reality. On the other hand the objet petit a is the desire for a fundamentally lost object. An individual who fails to accomplish his long cherished dream of obtaining a degree is subject to the fascinating effect of the object. On the oth er hand, it is quite evident that the subject cherishes a very strong desire for this fundamentally lost object (objet petit a) towards attaining the degree. One needs to distinguish between Lacan’s conception of fantasy and objet petit a. The fundamental fantasy of an individual stems from â€Å"small unconscious rebellions of subjects against the losses that they take themselves to have endured when they acceded to socialization† (Sharpe 2005). Thus, every individual tends to fantasise a lost object and for Lacan this lost object is nothing but the objet petit a-the object cause of desire. Here, the subject too experiences ‘small unconscious rebellions’ against his loss of the